
Phantom Veo 4k

Meet Mocolab’s Super Slow Motion Camera


Meet Mocolab’s Super Slow Motion Camera


Mike Greenberg

Managing Partner, Lead Bolt Operator

Mocolab and Expressway Cinema Rentals are excited to introduce the Phantom Veo 4k to the equipment roster.

This high speed camera features the same sensor as the Phantom Flex 4k, capable of capturing 4k at 1000FPS in a smaller, lighter, less power intensive housing.

The Phantom is a workhorse for Mocolab, but also available as a rental item directly through Expressway Cinema Rentals.

Get ready to revolutionize your storytelling with the phenomenal Phantom Veo 4K from Vision Research – the pinnacle of high-speed cinematography.

Now available for rent at both Expressway Cinema Rentals and Mocolab, this cutting-edge camera is your ticket to capturing the world in mesmerizing slow motion, all in stunning 4K resolution. Imagine your scenes unfolding in super slow motion at an astonishing 1000 frames per second, revealing nuances of emotion and movement like never before. Whether you’re shooting action-packed sequences, wildlife documentaries, or artistic experiments, this camera empowers you to explore the depths of creativity with unparalleled precision.

This level of precision opens the door to a world of cinematic possibilities, allowing you to craft visually stunning narratives that leave a lasting impression on your audience

Mocolab combines robotics and cinematography to create amazing visuals. Sound interesting?

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